(so read the fine print ensure this works for you)
1. You must be an ambitious, fast-paced, entrepreneurial coach with at least 2 years' professional coaching experience...
2. You must be prepared to turn up and take action - this is 80% automated by the AI platforms, but we need you to take some actions.
3. There is a prepayment involved to cover the cost of the platforms chosen (regretfully we can't change these platforms or use any existing accounts)
4. This is NOT a get-rich quick scheme - it's a get-rich very slowly, series of 8 planned marketing strategies designed to make you appear omnipresent.
5. The system is fully guaranteed - read below to find out the exact details of the 1-conditional guarantee
6. Remember we're providing this low-risk solution to you, almost free of charge (we just have to cover the cost of using these four AI platforms).